Chuck E. Cheese Please

We had a big play date at Chuck E. Cheese after school today. Hailey, Case, Kasey and Grayson picked up Lilli because I was running late because the cable guy was installing new service.  Katie and I met them there along with Shana, Chris, Sunshine and Sutton.  I wasn't sure how Katie would do since that is when she is usually starting her nap but she forgot how sleepy she was as soon as we walked in.  A lot of the rides were a little scary to her but we found a few she loved.  And a few of the games only require you being able to hit a button and she soon discovered that was pretty fun too.  Lilli and Sunshine stuck together most of the time and had so much fun together.  I was glad for all of the extra eyes because it's pretty much impossible to watch them both when they're running around wanting to do different things.  Luckily it's not crowded on weekdays but I don't think I'll be attempting a Saturday any time soon.  All the kids had a blast and it was nice to get to catch up with the Moms even if it was in passing as we chased kids from one game or ride to the next. ;) 


  1. ....sigh.....young motherhood! These are times that you will look back on and remember with such love. You chase them when you're young, making memories all the while!!
    Look at Case and sweet!!


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