First Day of School

Today was Lilli's first day of Pre-K4 and Katie's first day of Mother's Day Out in her new classroom. I was nervous for both of them because I really wanted them to have a good start and it couldn't have gone better.  Lilli walked right in to her classroom without giving it a second thought.  All she needed was a kiss goodbye from me and Katie and she was off for the day. Katie walked right in to her classroom and immediately started playing.  I kissed her and told her bye but I don't think she even realized I was going.  Her teacher said she had a great day and was "so smart." (Her words, not mine,lol) They both got to go outside and play on the playground and Lilli told me she made pictures, played play doh, and had circle time and learned. I'm so happy it was such a great start to a great year! 


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