Finally Feeling Better

Poor Lillii felt pretty rough for a few days there. Yesterday was the first day she really ate anything since Thursday and I was glad to see her up and moving again.  We had a good family day at the house and spent some time playing outside and making pine cone bird feeders and carving pumpkins. She and I also went to see Dolphin Tale.  She already saw it once with Yaya but wanted to see it again in theaters. Dolphins are all she's talked about since she saw them. 

Katie just liked eating the peanut butter :)

Matt also converted Katie's bed to a toddler bed. 

She has been waking up SCREAMING during the night for several weeks now and will NOT go back to sleep no matter how long I leave her until I bring her to our bed.  While we were in Corpus she slept all night for 2 nights on an air mattress though.  I got to thinking that maybe she just hated the feeling of being "locked up" and wanted real pillows and blankets.  So I took her to Walmart and let her pick her new bedding.  She went with Minnie Mouse (she loves! Took me forever to figure out who "Mee Ma" was) and we got her new "big girl bed" all set up.  She took a good nap and last night she didn't wake up once! I guess it worked! Now let's just pray that continues. :) 


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