Sunday Funday at Dixie Maze

I love weekends in October! The weather is starting to get nice and we usually have some free time to do things together.  Today we went to Dixie Maze farm for some family fun.  We started by playing in the corn bin

And then tried to get ourselves lost in the maze. 

It's a really cool place to spend an afternoon with lots to do.  There's also the "jumpy thing"

Pony rides.  Lilli always loves to ride.  Katie was excited at first but only went a few feet before she started crying 

And flowers and pumpkins to pick 

We all enjoyed being outside in the fall weather (in the 70s- I'm sure northerners would laugh at that but to us it's perfect!) but the best part was being together. 


  1. seems like only yesterday that those girl's daddy played in that same corn bin!!....*sigh.....


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