Happy Birthday America!

We had a wonderful party to celebrate. All of the "deer camp family" (as Lilli calls them) were there. Plus Danny and Susan and their whole family for a total of 14 adults and 7 kids between the ages of 6 months and 5. So crazy but so fun! 

And then today Cassie and Dillon came out with Lily and Luke so we could play with them for the day.  I didn't take many pictures because we were too busy swimming. I think the kids stayed in the pool for 4 hours straight! Mid afternoon Matt fried us a delicious meal of frog legs (that I finally gave in and tried- pretty good!), backstrap and French fries. And after that we went for a boat ride

A year ago today we were doing the same thing as we took one last chance to hang out with Dillon before he left on a 6 month deployment. Today we were getting one last chance to all be together before their whole family moves to Illinois next week. We are so happy that everything is working out for their family.  They will be living with her parents until they find a house and she has a job that she starts next month and Dillon has gotten several calls.  This is where she grew up and I'm thrilled for them. Especially because they will get to live close to family, and I can't imagine not having ours close by, but we sure will miss them.  We've decided that we need to meet half way once a year and rent a cabin. Looking forward to that already! 


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