Getting Braver

I decided to attempt my first outing with 4 kids this morning and piled all the littles in the wagon and Lilli on her bike to spend the morning at the park. 

Hailey and Case met us there so it was nice to have a second set of eyes for the first time. It went well. We stayed in one area and played in the sand and slides for about an hour and a half. It's still kind of hot so Katie was asking to go by then. 
 Maybe next time I'll be REALLY brave and take them to the library. 

But next time it will only be 3 kids because we only have 4 more days until Lilli starts kindergarten. She went for her testing yesterday and I think she's feeling a little better about it. She's been VERY nervous but her teacher said she's more than ready. She knew almost everything on the test, was sounding out words, and is finally convinced that she's going to love her teacher. Now I just hope I'm as ready as she is. :) 


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