Summer Wrap Up

This week is our final week before school starts.  Lilli actually has until the 17th but starting Monday, Sadie and Hallie Stinson start coming.  I'm not sure that I have posted about our new adventure yet but this year will be full of changes for everyone. Lilli starts kindergarten, Katie will have to learn how to be without "her Lilli" all day and I will be working from home keeping Sadie (1 1/2) and Hallie (who is a month younger than Katie).  We are all very excited for the year to start but have been enjoying the last week just the 3 of us. My goal was to do something fun with them each day and I think we accomplished it.  Monday was Chuck E. Cheese with Tiffany, Aubrey and Olivia. 

Tuesday they met us for lunch and playing at Chick-fil-a.  Wednesday we didn't go anywhere during the day but we did get to go to meet the teacher night at Apollo. Lilli got to see her classroom and meet her new teacher, Mrs. Chism, who immediately hugged her and made her feel a lot better about this change. I know she'll love her just as much as she loved every teacher she had at First Friends. 

Thursday we spent the morning playing at Sciport before seeing the Born to be Wild IMAX. 

And today Lilli rode her bike while I jogged (and kept up for 2.5 miles!) to the spray park for a morning of craziness in the water. I don't know what I'm going to do without my "baby" being home with me everyday but I have a feeling the 3 toddlers will keep me busy! 


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