We have a Kindergartner

Lilli survived her first day of kindergarten (and I did too.) To say she was nervous would be an understatement. She woke me up at 2:00 in the morning on Monday saying she couldn't sleep because she was nervous/excited and was worried she was going to be too tired and fall asleep at her desk on the first day.  So I crawled in bed with her and she was out quickly for a few more hours. At 5:30 she was up again and putting on her uniform and ready to pack her backpack. I asked if I could please have coffee first. :) 

I wanted to take her for the first day despite her constant arguments that she wanted to ride the bus. When we got there she said that she was glad I came because she would have been the only one without her Mama. 
(Katie Jane is thinking can we please hurry this up so I can go play with my friends)

I stayed about 20 minutes and then said my goodbyes. She was nervous but handled it well. Before we got there she asked me to please not "embarrass her" by crying in her class. So I waited till I got to the car. I found myself wondering what she was doing several times but having 3 toddlers kept me busy and distracted. 

It wasn't long before we were all sitting outside waiting for her to get off the bus. 

I didn't get many details from her over the last 2 days but she does like it. None of the First Friends kids are in her class so she hasn't made a "best friend" yet but I know it won't be long till she's friends with every single one and can't wait to go everyday. 

There was something that felt wrong about putting my 5 year old "baby" on the bus this morning. I wondered all day if she had any trouble getting to class but of course she didn't. I'm not ready to send her off in to the real world but I guess I'll never be. I just pray we've taught her everything she needs to know to make this a smooth transition. 

I know she'll do great! We love you Lilli Leigh. 


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