Caldwell Zoo

Yaya has started a great tradition of all of the girls and kids meeting up in Tyler to go to the zoo at the first hint of cooler weather.  Me, Lilli and Katie got there a few hours after everyone else because we had to leave after school but there was still time to swim. 
After a good nights sleep we were all waiting at the entrance when the zoo opened.  Lilli has her class "pet," Clyde, for the weekend so he got to come too. 

We were there about 2 1/2 hours and that was plenty of time to see it all and about all kids this age are up for anyway. 
White tiger


Black bear

With Yaya by the giraffes and elephants 


But both of my kids said their favorite part was the birds.  Now I'll admit that it was fun to be able to feed them and get them to sit on the sticks, but with all of the exotic animals they saw, the favorite was the one we could see at Petsmart. Go figure. :) 


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