Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day was created as a celebration of achievements of American workers. But to this family is also the celebration of something else... The start of hunting season! Matt and all of the other McCormick guys plus their closest friends all celebrate each year with the start of dove season. It's like Christmas morning to these guys, they count down the days for months. 

They limited out opening day and also got 38 frogs. I'd say those were some happy boys! 

We had some happy girls in our house too. It was the first holiday weekend from school and the 3 days were needed. Lilli likes school once she gets there but she's used to having more time at home so it was nice to not have many plans. We spent Friday and Saturday evening with Hailey and Case. Friday at our house and Saturday at theirs. And Sunday we went to dinner with Cara. She posted this picture on Facebook and said "eventually girls night takes on a new meaning." :) 
I was glad Lilli and Katie got to catch up on some play time together at home too. 

We were ready to start a new week with a new adventure at First Friends starting today. I've been ready for my first day and Katie has been so excited to go to Mrs. Hope's class but it wasn't in the cards. She started running fever on Monday and woke me up in the middle of the night with a temp if 102.7 and vomit in her bed. I was up with her a lot of the night but luckily Matt was able to help and take her to the doctor so I could still start my first day. So instead of a first day of school picture this is what I got. 
Poor baby... She was still running a temp of 102+ when I put her to bed but I'm praying she's better in the morning. My day went well but I was so worried about her that I couldn't even decide if I'm going to like it. I'm sure I will once I'm able to not be so distracted. Hopefully Thursday will be our first "normal" day. 


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