Family Fun Day

Matt was sick for 2 days with the dreaded stomach virus that's plagued almost everyone in the McCormick family over the last few weeks. When he woke up feeling better this morning he said we needed to take the kids to do something because he couldn't sit around here another day. Of course I had no problem coming up with an idea. It was cloudy but the temperature was nice so, after a quick stop for some lunch (his first real meal in days) and some silliness at Rotolo's,
we decided to go to one of our favorites- Gators and Friends
Katie was the only kid there in her fancy dress and high heels but she got lots of compliments :) No matter how many times we go they never get tired of it. They are both little animal lovers but especially Lilli. 

When we were done there, we went to Layoco for some frozen yogurt and were so surprised to see Belle! (From Beauty and the Beast) 
Then Matt dropped us off at the park so we could play a little bit before going home. Fun day! 


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