Kreme of Highland Parade

One if my favorite things about growing up in South Louisiana was Mardi Gras. We only did the New Orleans parades a handful of times but there was always plenty to do in Baton Rouge. Plus we got out of school for 2 days and nothing is better than that! Since moving up here I haven't really gotten as in to it. Yesterday's parade was only the 2nd one since we've had kids. I took Lilli when she was one or two and Cassie and Dillon took her to the Gemini Parade last year. This was Katie's first parade ever and she loved it! I think this is going to have to be a new tradition now that they are older. The Highland Parade is perfect because it's more family oriented and during the day. You know it's fun when Lilli says "that was a great afternoon!" And Katie says "thank you so much for bringing me here!" Without being asked how they liked it. 

I held Katie catching beads with her and Lilli ran around picking up everything that hit the ground. It was so great that the Stinsons invited us to their family's house on the route. We had a place to stand without a crowd and having a toilet for a girl that's only been potty trained a month was a life saver! :) 


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