Happy Valentines's Day!

Matt and I had our first date night since August last night to celebrate Valentine's Day. The girls favorite babysitter, Ms. Sheri, came so that we could go to Superior. We are party animals! We went out around 6:00 and got home around 9:00. :) But that's just what we wanted to do. The girls and I got up to a table of cards, flowers and chocolate for each of us. I sure do love that man! And Mama may have had a few toy surprises for the kids too. Katie loves her batman! 

Friday and Saturday were lots of fun. I couldn't make Lilli's Valentine party at school so Matt went instead. I think she loved having her Daddy there even more because she rarely get him all to herself. We had an ice cream party at First Friends too. I was honestly a little nervous at how crazy my class was going to be because parents were there but they did great! And it was such a beautiful day on Saturday that we spent a few hours at the park. 
It's been a great weekend so far and to top it off, tomorrow is a school holiday for President's Day so we get an extra long one! 


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