Louisiana Day

All of the Apollo kindergarteners had a super fun day of school today. It was their Easter egg hunt and Louisiana Day and all of the parents were also invited. Katie and I both went and it was a great time. 
Katie's favorite part by far was the crawfish races. She played with them for probably an hour of the 2 we were there. Lilli stayed with her a lot of that time but she was too busy running around checking out all of the games and booths. They both loved eating King cake donuts and Zapps chips and getting their face painted
She also loved the egg hunt and bounce house. Katie didn't get to participate in those but she didn't mind. She played with the crawfish every time Lilli was bouncing and she happily shared all the candy from the eggs.
I got to check her out when it was over at 11:30 and spring break officially began! Miss Priss was very wound up from her big morning and the icing on the cake for her day was that Yaya took her for some one on one time this afternoon. She hasn't gotten much of that since she's been in "real" school this year so she ate it up. We are now looking forward to 10 days of a break spent between Baton Rouge, Grand Isle and some relaxing time at home. 


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