Race for the Cure 2016

We travelled down to Baton Rouge this weekend for our 6th annual "Kathy's Gang" Race for the Cure. Dad and Janet are in an apartment while their house is being built so we kept it a little more low key.  Our normal Friday night wine and cheese party was replaced with a family pizza night at Jens. And our normal reception under a tent for 40 people was replaced with lawn chairs gathered around our cars with about 20 family members. We will go back to the big party and full weekend next year, but for this year it was nice to take a break from all the planning that goes along with it and focus on why we started this. We did that with our traditional prayer on Friday night and a few words remembering our loved ones we've lost over the years. And the race crowd may have been smaller but just as much fun! 

GranJan made us shrimp pasta for lunch and we all went over the Jen's for the afternoon. The guys slept

 While the girls sat outside on the front porch swing enjoying the beautiful day, watching kids play and having a "few" mimosas. :) We stayed there all day and around 5:00 the rest of the family came back over for a birthday dinner Janet had cooked. Thanks to everyone for all they did. It was a wonderful weekend. 


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