Shooting Her .22!

I mentioned last week that Yaya and Cap'n came by to give Lilli her first gun. It's a Henry Mini-Bolt .22 and on Sunday Matt got to show her how to use it. She skipped back to our room to get it when he told her it was time and was so excited. Matt didn't see any of that though because she immediately got serious. She didn't expect that learning to shoot a gun would start in the living room. 
But she listened very intently and took in every word. She's definitely going to know more than me. 

After he was satisfied with that, outside they went.  It took a little time to find how she would be comfortable but they figured it out. Matt fired the first shot because she was nervous about how loud it would be but Shanon, Alex, Katie and I were all there to watch her by the time she was ready to fire it. They focused more on learning to hold it, work the safety and pull the trigger than on aiming. She mostly just shot at the dirt pile but she did hit the plate once! 

She said it was really fun and has already asked him if she can shoot again next time we're up there. I hope she loves it as much as he does. 


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