Monkeys and Turtles
We are winding down this year and decided to have some fun and meet Hailey, Case and Lane at the park. None of them were that in to the water (they said it's still too cold) but my little monkey loved swinging all over the equipment and playing on the slides with her cousin and Hallie and Sadie
And then after gymnastics, Daddy surprised them by bringing home a box turtle that Yaya found in her flowerbeds. She knew they would love him so she made him a little home in a box so Matt could get him here.
They had fun watching him and he even ate some plums from a tree in our yard but he will be going back to Vivian tomorrow. Lilli says its "not right to take him out of his natural habitat." She's right of course (and her aunt Hailey definitely agrees) but it was fun to play with him this evening. She's such a sweetie.
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