Another Surgery

This has been a crazy year for health for our family! Matt's had several spinal injections because he and his doctor are trying to narrow down which discs are causing the most pain before they decide on surgery.  I had one last week too. I've always had bulged discs in my neck that flare up once or twice a year but this time steroids didn't help and I guess that is typical treatment now. I had better results than he typically gets and am feeling much better. Plus I had a hysterectomy and Matt had his wisdom teeth out over the summer. AND Matt was diagnosed with a heart condition called hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.  He's started beta blockers and we will go to Houston to see a specialist in October. And if that weren't enough, Matt tore his meniscus back in March or April and he finally had the surgery to fix that on Wednesday, 
He's recovering well. He is still sore but doing his physical therapy and should be feeling back to normal soon. I pray that we don't have anything else come up.  It's been a lot and I hope we can go awhile without seeing any doctors after this October appointment. Thank God for Yaya who was there to keep the littles while I was with him at the hospital. She and Katie had a shopping spree and lunch at Chick-fil-a before picking up Lilli from school.
Don't know what we would do without her!!


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