Our 1st Grader

We had Meet the Teacher at Apollo last night and I can't believe we have a 1st grader! Mrs. Row seems nice and Lilli has a few friends in her class so she's feeling a lot better about the new year. Even though I thought kindergarten was real school, I'm learning that first grade is the real deal. She will have nightly homework and weekly tests. I know she'll do great but it's definitely going to be more work.
Now that I'm not teaching at First Friends, I will have more free time and decided to volunteer as room mom. I'm very excited to become more involved with the school and Lilli is excited I'll be around some too. I know it will be a lot of work but room moms get to go to things that parents are not normally invited to. Plus, I'll get to know a lot of the teachers and staff. 

I will also be serving on the First Friends board. The fact that Shannon asked had me relieved that I was still welcomed there after quitting. ;) I'm glad to be able to be involved in some of the decisions that will affect Katie's preschool years. 

And then on Sundays, I'll be teaching Katie's Sunday School class every other month. (Lilli moves up to a new class tomorrow) Me and another Mom are sharing the responsibility so that we can go our own classes too. 
I'm loving being more involved with the church.  Between the school, Sunday school and volunteering at the food pantry twice a month, it's allowed me to meet some really wonderful people that have become great friends. 

And between working for Sandy and everything at the church and schools, it's going to be a busy year. (But still a lot less busy than last year) I thank Matt for allowing it to happen. It would obviously be beneficial to our income if I worked full time.  But he happily carries that for the family so that I can be home to take care of household things and have this time to be with the kids. He is very supportive and likes me being able to do it as much as I do because our evening definitely run smoother. And we all know a happy wife means a happy life.:) Ha! But in all seriousness, thank you Matt for all you do for us. We love you! 


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