First Day of 1st Grade

And just like that, another summer has come to an end. I'm looking forward to being back in the routine of school but Lilli was NOT. When I woke her up this morning she said, "Ugh, I know what day it is." But she went happily. Matt, Katie and I all walked her in to her classroom. She gave me a long hug but then went and sat next to one of her friends and waved bye. I held it together in front of her but the tears were falling before we made it back to the car. I'm going to miss her so much but I feel like she's going to love school this year. She already said its better than kindergarten so that makes this Mama's heart happy. 

We started the school year off right yesterday evening by meeting some people from our church and a lot of the school faculty at Apollo for a back to school prayer. 
(Someone was taking pics for the paper and sent me a few. Not sure if we made it in. ;)

It was a good way to be prepared for today and I think it will be our new family tradition. Lilli got to pick the restaurant after so we went to her favorite, Outback. 
She was super excited about the first day gift that I had waiting for her this afternoon. 
She's always been in to drawing and crafts and found a learn to draw section in a magazine the other day. She loved it so she came home to a whole book for a way to unwind before homework after school. Good luck with the new year Ms. Lillian Leigh. We love you and know you'll do great! 


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