Go, Go, Let's Go!

Last night was the big game that Lilli had been waiting for.  She had been practicing all week to cheer at the Benton vs. Huntington game and she was ready! She did get a little nervous right as we were walking in but ended up having a great time and did great!
She knew all the cheers and was so happy that me, Daddy, Katie Yaya and Lala were all that to cheer HER on. (Shanon didn't make it because of a  death in the family.  His family could use prayers from anyone ready this.  They've had a lot of loss and heartache lately)
We were so happy to be there and I really hope she ends up doing cheer, dance line, band.... something when she's in high school.  My high school didn't even have a football team (magnet) and I think it would be so fun to spend Friday nights cheering a team on. 

I think Lilli's biggest fan was Mrs. KatieJane.  We went down to take some pictures and she was screaming her sisters name and waving more than I was.  She wants to be just like her. 
Oh she was a handful yesterday(everyday? :) but she gets me with that smile.  And those curls!


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