This and That

We haven't had too much going on lately. We had a very quiet weekend and stayed home other than Lilli's cheer camp, a birthday party and church. Seeing it written doesn't sound too relaxing but that's an uneventful weekend to us!
We've been practicing this week so she's ready to cheer at the Benton High football game Friday night. Yaya, Lala, and Uncle Shanny are all coming to watch her so she wants to know them. 

Matt took Bella hunting over the weekend and he sent me the cutest picture.
I think their weekend was relatively uneventful too but she did pick up one dove and he says he hopes to take her a lot more.

Katie is still having a hard time adjusting to school.  Out of the 7 days we have had so far, she has cried at drop-off for 6 of those.  It makes it so hard for this Mama to leave but I know that's the only way she will get used to it.  After she settles down, Mrs. Michi says that she's one of the only
 ones that will sit still to listen to a story and actively participate in the lesson.  I'm using workbooks that Yaya got us and working with her on the days she is home too.
She is very eager to learn so I hope she will soon get over this separation anxiety and love school like Lilli did.

As much as I loved all 3 of us being together all summer, I must say I'm also loving the adult time I'm getting now that they are both in school.  Work is going well.  Sandy and I were able to pick up right were we left off last year.  And I even get some girl time.  Cara convinced me to try Vietnamese food on Monday.  I was skeptical but I loved it! 
Yay! For the school year.


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