Labor Day Weekend 2016

Labor Day is traditionally a holiday that celebrates the contributions that workers have made to our country. But to our family? It means the start of hunting season! And LSU football! Matt got started a couple of days early by leaving Wednesday night to drive to San Antonio with Wesley. Dove season opens September 1st in Texas so they were there for that. And then drove back Friday to be at the camp for the Arkansas opening on Saturday. 
That was a long drive for an extra 24 hours of hunting but we know how die hard he is. 

decided last minute to go to Baton Rouge for the weekend.  Now that Lilli is in school it's not easy to go as often. It makes her so exhausted the next week but with a 3 day weekend we could go and still have a day at home. It was low key. We spent Friday night at Jens visiting and playing with their new Guinea pig.

And then Saturday we went swimming at Pops and Honey's pool 

Played with the ducks 
And ate dinner and watched the LSU game together. The game was disappointing but the company was not.

It's going to be at least 2 months until I have a chance to go again so I'm very glad we were there.

 I'm looking forward to next weekend too. We are going to the camp and Lilli will be hunting for the first time. She is so excited!


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