Apollo Fall Fest

Apollo had their fall carnival early this year this so that they weren't competing with so many other things that go on closer to Halloween.  It was perfect "fallish" (for Louisiana- I think our high was 78) weather and we had a great time. The girls played lots of games and won tons of candy.  Katie even won the cake walk and we took home a pan of brownies.

Matt was so sweet and agreed to work the ticket booth in my place for an hour.
He chatted with the PTL ladies and sold tickets so that I could walk around with the girls.  I didn't get to last year because I worked the whole time and I also wanted to be able to meet some of Lilli's class friends and their parents since I'm room mom this year.

We ran in to Katie's "best friend," Brittany.  She was so excited to see someone from her school there.  It was a really fun night for them and I was glad for the chance to meet some people and support the school.  And even though he gave me a hard time, I don't think Matt hated it THAT much. :) So excited it's fall, y'all! 


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