DixieMaze Farm

We have a tradition of going to the corn maze each year right as fall starts.  After church today we drove to Belcher and did just that.  We always start by playing in the corn.  Lilli and I got in but Katie said there "was no way she was getting (her) beautiful dress all dirty."  She did take the picture though.
What a change from this mess when we went last year;

She might not have liked that part but there was plenty she loved.  The cow train:
And the horseback rides were her favorite.
And the big slide was lots of fun
We picked a flower bouquet
And of course walked through the corn maze

But Lilli's favorite part by far was the barn swing.  She was unsure about trying it at first but decided to try it right before we left. She ended up jumping off the platform 4 times.  Not to be outdone, Katie got on too.  She didn't jump off the platform but they swung her really high.  It didn't last long, she was holding on for dear life!
I love this tradition and the memories we are making.  And it's fun to see how they change over the year.  Something that was so much fun last year is out of the question this year (like the corn for Katie),  And something that there was no way they would try a year ago (barn swing) is the favorite. 




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