
Showing posts from August, 2017

Katie's Turn

Last month we celebrated Lilli's last day of summer with a play date with Case and Lane and an afternoon at Altitude. Today was Katie's turn. She doesn't start until Tuesday but the next few days are busy. Especially since her real last day of summer will be spent hanging out with me while I'm in charge of Apollo's first fundraiser of the year.  She got to pick anything she wanted. We were hoping to go see the new ballet cartoon movie but there wasn't a time that worked for us to be home when Lilli gets here. So, her 2nd choice was a play date a Chuck E. Cheese. It was only 2nd choice because she'd be alone so I fixed that by inviting "best friend" Britney.  I think she ended up very happy with how her day turned out. Those 2 played for hours and I loved watching their fun. They're in the same class again this year and will both go to Apollo for kindergarten so I really love how close they are becoming.  Such a big day wears a little girl out! ...

A Good School Week

Lilli had an eventful week st school. It started on Monday with her being chosen as student of the week. Then, her art teacher asked her to submit some artwork for a talented art screaming. I was pretty impressed with what she came up with. Her music teacher submitted her name for talented theatre last year and her screening was today. She had no warning and no preparation but she said it went great. She had to do some improv and I was impressed with what she told me she came up with. She made it to the next round of screening so she's an excited kid tonight! Getting these text from her teacher during the day is just one of the many reasons I'm really loving Mrs. Nugent And Katie is gearing up for her new school year too. We went by First Friends today to meet her new teacher, Miss Linda. It's the same teacher Lilli had for pre-K4 so we already know we love her. It's going to be a good year! 

The Great American Eclipse

It seems like everyone in the country was talking about the eclipse yesterday. There hasn't been a total eclipse cross North America in almost 40 years so a lot of people don't remember or didn't see the last one. Most schools across the country were taking the opportunity to go outside for a science lesson, but Bossier Parish's superintendent decided there was too much liability over possible damage to eyes so our kids weren't even allowed outside. So me (and a lot of other parents) decided it was something to see in person and checked our kids out. A friend from school had an eclipse party at her house complete with a telescope with a solar lens. We only got about 78% coverage at the peak yesterday but it was still very cool. Even Katie was interested and I didn't think she would care. There was plenty of fun too. They swam and jumped on the trampoline for hours but every once in awhile they would call "science break!" And to make sure Lilli understo...


Oh what memories I have of sleepovers as a kid. I've always been sort of a homebody so I usually had people at my house because I didn't love spending the night out. My Mom would always order pizza and let us stay up passed our bedtime. So when Lilli had her first (nonfamily) sleepover at our house on Friday, that exactly what I did. They played in the pool, ate Johnnys and played until after 9:00. (Which is very late for our kids that still get in bed at 7:00)  Aubrey and Lilli were very sweet to include Katie the whole time, even letting her sleep in the room with them. Especially considering I told them they didn't have to.  And I better win Mom if the year for being in the car at 6:45 on Saturday morning to get donuts! Their smiles make it worth it! 

Happy Anniversary To Us!

August 20th will always be a day of mixed emotions. Today is our 12th anniversary so it is mostly a happy day but it's also 7 years since I've lost my Mom. Now dates don't really get me upset as much as random moments but I can't help for it to be day of reflection.  Earlier this year we realized the setting on my Mom's right hand ring (that held my grandmother's original engagement diamond) was cracked. I wore it for 6 years and loved it but it was never "my style". So for Mother's Day I got the diamond in a new setting. And today I got this. Matt had the original gold melted down to make these 4 angel wings. 2 for me and one for each of our girls. They will complete their set when one day (hopefully many years from now 😉) I pass down one I've been wearing to each of them. I can't think of a more special way to honor both our anniversary and my Mom. Thank you Matt for getting me and for many more years together. I love you! (And thanks to...

Busy, Busy

Well... that didn't take long. Today is the 8th day of school and we're already back in the swing of things. Lilli is no longer having a hard time falling asleep at 8:00 and she's up on her own by a little after 6:00. We've had homework to do together each night this week. Luckily Mrs. Nugent thinks family time is VERY important too and we will only have 10-20 minutes a night. She's already impressed with Lilli too. Not that that surprises me. :) Lilli is going to have her 2nd screening for talented art/drama next week so prayers that that goes well please and we can start that new adventure.  We started back to after school activities this week too. Katie had her first ballet class on Wednesday and it's safe to say she's going to love it. She had the biggest smile on her face the whole time. Lilli will start her "fundamentals of drawing" art class next week at the same place and time.  And then yesterday they both got back to gymnastics... They bo...

Sweet Cousin Love Part 2

I just had to share these last few sweet pictures from our weekend. We had a great time in Vivian spending the day with Yaya, Hailey and the boys on Saturday. These kids really love being together. Then we left yesterday morning to come back to our house for the day. It was a rainy day but the kids discovered checkers and Candyland plus lots of game of hide and seek.   Lilli was really sad she had to say goodbye before everyone else did this morning, but they all waved until they couldn't see the school bus anymore. Yaya is coming to get them in a little bit to take them to Tyler to meet Rachel halfway. We had a great time and are going to miss them, but I know their mama and daddy are ready!

Sweet Cousin Love

Chad and Rachel are in Mexico (poor things!;) and Austin and Josey have been staying with Yaya and Capn the last couple of days. I offered to take them tonight to give them a little break and also to take them to Ella's birthday party in Bossier tomorrow morning. We met at Chick-fil-a for lunch and playing.                                     (Haha KatieJane) Before coming back to our house to wait for Lilli to get home from school and do some more playing. They all played really well together, no fights or whining all day. By a little after 7:00 I had them watching TV and winding down, and they were all asleep between 8:30 and 9:00. I'd say that was a successful night! I had to risk the flash to get the picture of Lilli and Austin cuddled sleeping. They sure do love each other. Sweet cousin love! 😍

Lilli's First Day of School

I'm not sure if she was dreaming or messing with me, but when I woke Lilli up at 6 AM for the first time in 10 weeks she said "it's not the first day, I have three more weeks." I was expecting that to be the start of a whiny morning and her not wanting to go, but I got the opposite. She was actually a little excited and that makes this Mama happy. I have heard nothing but great things about Mrs. Nugent and I know it's going to be a great year. I think she's going to love her teacher, she's got all her good friends in her class, and I'm going to be up there a lot being one of the committee members on the PTL and room mom. Not to be outdone by big sisters big day, Katie and I went to get her ready for school. She doesn't start for almost 5 weeks but she is now set up with a new backpack and lunch box. She was very excited about that because she's never had one before! And she also got her leotards for both gymnastics and ballet that starts next w...

Last Day

Well, this is it. After 10 weeks of all 3 of us at home together, Lilli starts back to school tomorrow. We've had a fun last day of the break. We started it at 8 o'clock this morning by going to Hailey's house to play with Case and Lane. She had doughnuts for them and the kids always have fun. From there, we met Ashley and Bridget at Altitude for a play date there. And now, we are back home enjoying our last quiet afternoon. Katie and I are sure going to miss her during the day. We still have five weeks before she goes back to school, and I'm going to enjoy the last month of time I will have just me and her. But we sure are going to miss Lilli Leigh!