
Oh what memories I have of sleepovers as a kid. I've always been sort of a homebody so I usually had people at my house because I didn't love spending the night out. My Mom would always order pizza and let us stay up passed our bedtime. So when Lilli had her first (nonfamily) sleepover at our house on Friday, that exactly what I did. They played in the pool, ate Johnnys and played until after 9:00. (Which is very late for our kids that still get in bed at 7:00) 

Aubrey and Lilli were very sweet to include Katie the whole time, even letting her sleep in the room with them. Especially considering I told them they didn't have to. 

And I better win Mom if the year for being in the car at 6:45 on Saturday morning to get donuts! Their smiles make it worth it! 


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