Sweet Cousin Love

Chad and Rachel are in Mexico (poor things!;) and Austin and Josey have been staying with Yaya and Capn the last couple of days. I offered to take them tonight to give them a little break and also to take them to Ella's birthday party in Bossier tomorrow morning. We met at Chick-fil-a for lunch and playing. 

                                   (Haha KatieJane)

Before coming back to our house to wait for Lilli to get home from school and do some more playing.

They all played really well together, no fights or whining all day. By a little after 7:00 I had them watching TV and winding down, and they were all asleep between 8:30 and 9:00. I'd say that was a successful night!

I had to risk the flash to get the picture of Lilli and Austin cuddled sleeping. They sure do love each other. Sweet cousin love! 😍


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