Lilli's First Day of School

I'm not sure if she was dreaming or messing with me, but when I woke Lilli up at 6 AM for the first time in 10 weeks she said "it's not the first day, I have three more weeks." I was expecting that to be the start of a whiny morning and her not wanting to go, but I got the opposite. She was actually a little excited and that makes this Mama happy.

I have heard nothing but great things about Mrs. Nugent and I know it's going to be a great year. I think she's going to love her teacher, she's got all her good friends in her class, and I'm going to be up there a lot being one of the committee members on the PTL and room mom.

Not to be outdone by big sisters big day, Katie and I went to get her ready for school. She doesn't start for almost 5 weeks but she is now set up with a new backpack and lunch box. She was very excited about that because she's never had one before! And she also got her leotards for both gymnastics and ballet that starts next week.

I think it's going to be a great year!! 


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