Kindergarten Testing Day

KatieJane is now officially a kindergartener. 

She went today for her full day screening. This is way different than what we experienced with Lilli. She met her teacher one on one for about an hour while I waited outside the room. Now they have a full day of screening. There are 18 kids in her class so they divided in groups of 6 to go today, tomorrow and Monday before it really starts Tuesday with all kids together. She did great! She was nervous this morning but after some Mama cuddles, we got up and ready to go. 

She did great at drop off and when she got off the bus she said it “was so fun but I’m so tired!” She has never had a school day that long. 

They had P.E., an alphabet scavenger hunt, lunch in the cafeteria and read lots of books. She really had fun and says she’s excited to go back next week. I hope knowing that makes it easier on me Tuesday because I cried like a baby after I left her room today. 


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