Meet the Teacher

Today was the day we had been anxiously awaiting for weeks. We finally got to meet the girls teachers and see the rooms where they will be spending a lot of time over the next 9 months and I couldn’t be more pleased with what we found. Katie’s teacher is only in her 2nd year but is so excited for a fresh start with Apollo and seems very nice. Katie really likes her and I signed up to be her room Mom. “Mrs. Johnson’s Jungle” looks like a fun place to learn and she is so thoughtful to have a survival kit for the parents too. Katie will go on Thursday for a full day of screening with only 7 kids (she’s even riding the bus home that day!) and then starts for real next Tuesday. 

Lilli has 3 teachers this year but we only met her home room teacher, Mrs. Stokely. Lilli and I both really liked her immediately and she’s so excited that all of her best friends are in her class. She starts Wednesday so I really can’t believe that tomorrow is the last day of summer. She’s not ready but she’ll have fun once she gets started. 

They both have huge transitions. Obviously Katie’s is more drastic but 3rd graders definitely have more expected of them and switch classes for subjects. As a teacher friend said, K-2nd you are learning to read. 3rd grade + you are reading to learn. Even though it’s new, I know this year will be great for them both! 


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