So Far So Good

Well, Lillian is a little over a week into school and this is Katie’s third day. And so far so good! Katie really likes it and I have not had too hard of a time adjusting to having no kids. Although I know it probably hasn’t really hit me yet and I have been staying pretty busy with work. BUT... it’s also only Katie‘s third day of school and I have already gotten a call from her teacher. Now in her defense, her teacher said she is calling a lot of parents and trying to be proactive instead of reactive which I totally get it. This is her first year teaching and she is under the microscope with the school board. She said she has already had two random stop bys so she is under a lot of pressure to make sure kids are following the rules right off the bat and Katie as one of her talkers. (Surprise surprise- she has always been a talker and I’m sure she feels like she rules the school with his much as she has been up there.😉;) Now she was quick to say she is not bad at all. She just had to remind her to be quiet a lot and asked that I would work with her at home too. I get where she’s coming from but I also don’t like the changes Bossier has made to kindergarten this year. They no longer have centers, which is classroom play time, or a naptime. She is expected to sit still and follow the same learning schedule that Lillian does which I find completely ridiculous. This is the first year of that and I personally don’t feel like five-year-olds are ready. But nobody asked my opinion, haha. So I’m sure we will all adjust. 

And third grade is a whole new world for me too. Lillian didn’t get one of her checkmarks at school yesterday which she is not used to. But it was all because I didn’t sign her homework folder. I look through it every day but forgot to sign and she was penalized for it. So I guess there’s a learning curve for all of us! But all in all, we really like their teachers and everyone seems happy to go every morning so I can’t complain. I think it’s going to be a great school year!


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