He Made It Through

My dad had surgery down in Baton Rouge yesterday. He has been right by my side through every surgery I’ve ever had and also for Matt’s so I really wanted to be there. It was a partial knee replacement, so not anything dangerous, but he had never gone under anesthesia and was nervous about the unknown of recovery so I was really glad I got to go. 

I went down Monday and got to have lunch with Nana, Lizard and Jennifer. Then we went to the nursing home to see Peggy. Before heading to Janet and Dad‘s house for a lazy evening of pizza and watching the newest Jurassic World. Jimmy and Theresa came by to give him a hug before surgery too. It was nice I got to see (almost) everyone but the kids in such a short visit. Tuesday morning I was up and out the door by 5:00 to drive him to the surgery center. (Surgery didn’t start till eight but you know how that goes.)  By 11:00 we had talked to the doctors and I was in the car headed home because I had a mandatory meeting about Lillian’s DI team yesterday afternoon. 
(We had to sign a contract committing to not missing more than three practices and also to being present and any monetary needs for competitions in January and March. And a possible one the last weekend of May for the global finals if they’ve place 1st in State- this is a bigger deal than I realized. But I think going to be very cool.) 

It was definitely a whirlwind trip but I was thankful for Matt taking it on and helping me to be able to go. That post title was not just about Dad’s surgery, but also Matt’s day and night. He had never handled a school night on his own which meant homework, soccer practice and getting everything ready the next morning. Including packing lunches and doing ponytails! But I got a text 15 minutes before the bus time that everyone was dressed and happy and they even had time to FaceTime me and make a good luck video for Pops so I think he did a great job! He did tell Nana that he thinks he’ll keep me at least the next few years after that experience though. Haha! 😉 

And of course there was no rest after that whirlwind trip. I got an offer on one of my listings that I negotiated and had under contract while we were waiting for surgery. And this morning I was up at Apollo for over half the day to volunteer at the book fair.

It was Katie‘s turn today but I will be back on Friday to be there for Lilli’s library time and to volunteer again!


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