Opening Weekend
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! According to Matt at least. :) Dove season opened yesterday and he got to spend the weekend at the camp hunting and that is definitely his favorite thing. 
Ryan got to go for the first time too. Matt has been inviting him for years but it’s never worked out for one reason or another but they were able to make it happen and he loved it! They have never had a guy weekend together so it worked out perfect.

I can’t remember the last time we had so much time to just visit and catch up and the kids had lots of fun so everyone was happy! I love this time of year! Fall coming soon means time with family, deer camp, football, and cooler weather (hopefully!:)
Ryan got to go for the first time too. Matt has been inviting him for years but it’s never worked out for one reason or another but they were able to make it happen and he loved it! They have never had a guy weekend together so it worked out perfect.
Jen took the chance to ride up here and visit us. She and I have never had a girl weekend just the two of us so it was really nice. We didn’t do anything special. We went to Altitude and sweet frog yesterday and both evenings were spent having dinner at home, watching movies together and drinking wine.
I can’t remember the last time we had so much time to just visit and catch up and the kids had lots of fun so everyone was happy! I love this time of year! Fall coming soon means time with family, deer camp, football, and cooler weather (hopefully!:)
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