Must Be Cold Down There Today

I joked with Cara last night that hell must have frozen over because we were at my house in Bossier City on the 2nd weekend of teal season watching the LSU game with both of our husbands. 😉

They both had extenuating circumstances today. Katie was supposed to have her first soccer game that Matt was planning to come in for but even though that got canceled he still came to keep the kids because we had not worked out a sitter so I could show houses and Raegan was also out of town. Cara had a pretty bad fall last weekend and her wrist is still hurt so Luke came home to help with Josie. When she and I were talking earlier in the day and realized they were both home we decided to take advantage of it and all get together. But of course they we’re out the door and back at it early this morning 

We had a pretty fun afternoon too. After I got done showing, me and Lillian went to see a movie that she had been wanting to see in theaters and Matt and Katie went to Bass Pro shops to get him some things he needs for his Canada trip next week and they enjoyed their daddy daughter day.

I love when we get one on one time. As we were driving there Lillian randomly said “I love you mama.” And Matt said he had the same experience with Katie as she was skipping around the store she turned around and said, “Daddy, thank you for taking me to Bass Pro shops.” Such sweet moments make the most special memories. 


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