Coco is Here!

I was woken up at 2:15 this morning by KatieJane saying it was time to get up. She was so excited because Lillian has been saying all week that Coco usually comes on the 1st and she knew that was today. (What does that say about what we have to look forward to on Christmas morning???) I convinced her to go back to sleep but at 5:30 we were back up and waiting for Lillian to wake up. She was not disappointed by what she found!

“I’m Back” in M&Ms... how fun is that?? There was even a note from Santa saying it was ok to eat M&Ms before breakfast. And as usual she also filled the advent calenders and today was light up necklaces and more candy. That Coco!!

It’s looking like Christmas around here. We’ve got a few outside decorations out and the rest of the lights will be hung this weekend. 

There’s new artwork hanging from Lillian’s art class

She also got to go to the Nutcracker with 3000!!! Other 3rd graders from Shreveport/Bossier yesterday 

We did some toy for tots shopping last night and they’re going to lights with friends tonight. A great way to start getting in the Christmas spirit! 


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