Taking it Easy
It’s funny how you can have a zillion things on your to do list and one of your babies needs you and it all gets dropped without a 2nd thought. That’s Mom life and I wouldn’t have it any other way! This week all really started last weekend. We went to Christmas in Roseland with Kelli and her kids on Saturday. 
We had a great time and the lights were beautiful as usual but Kathleen was complaining of a pain in her side to the point where I even googled where your appendix is. That search turned out to be the opposite side so I didn’t think anything of it and sent her to school Monday. I was volunteering on Monday morning and could tell by the look on her face that she felt awful so I checked her out when I got done and brought her straight to the doctor. During the routine check they could feel her spleen and decided it was most likely mono and said she was out for the week. I have a house under contract and 1 million things to do for Christmas but all of those plans were dropped.
(She always has a smile even when she feels bad.)

We had a great time and the lights were beautiful as usual but Kathleen was complaining of a pain in her side to the point where I even googled where your appendix is. That search turned out to be the opposite side so I didn’t think anything of it and sent her to school Monday. I was volunteering on Monday morning and could tell by the look on her face that she felt awful so I checked her out when I got done and brought her straight to the doctor. During the routine check they could feel her spleen and decided it was most likely mono and said she was out for the week. I have a house under contract and 1 million things to do for Christmas but all of those plans were dropped.
(She always has a smile even when she feels bad.)
Say what you will about cats but hers can tell that “her kid” doesn’t feel good and hasn’t left her side.
We had to go back for a recheck yesterday and ended up spending six hours in the hospital having every test under the sun. She had a CBC, abdominal ultrasound and echo of her heart because her murmur (that we’ve been monitoring since birth) was louder than normal. We are still waiting on four of those tests but one thing that did come back confirmed was that it is walking pneumonia. And we’re out on all plans for at least the next 4 days. We were supposed to be picking them up from school today and driving down to Alexandria to meet almost all of the Baton Rouge family for dinner and lights. Then we were going to go to pancakes with Santa tomorrow as well as a birthday party. And I had a babysitter coming so that I could go to a girls night at a neighbors house. It was going to be crazy and busy but now the plans are pizza and Christmas movies. But we will make the most of it. I’m trying to look on the bright side that this is happening now and not the week of Christmas.
On a different note Lillian lost a tooth last night and Coco and the tooth fairy got to meet for the first time. I think the tooth fairy won!
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