Whirlwind Baton Rouge Christmas

We pulled out of our driveway at noon Friday to go down to Baton Rouge to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. We got there just in time to help set up for the big family party. We had 17 adults and 5 kids all over for a dinner of ham, fried turkey, au gratin potatoes and a veggie casserole followed with Dad’s pound cake for dessert. It was a group effort of everyone bringing something and it was delicious! Dinner was followed by the kids opening gifts from nana plus their great aunts and uncles. Then we sent them outside while the adults played games- there was a game where you guess the Christmas carol from emojis, a white elephant exchange and trivia all complete with prizes. 

Saturday morning Matt left with Dad and Ryan to go woodcock hunting. It’s become their annual tradition and they always enjoy the time together. Matt got a limit of 3, Ryan got a couple, and Dad said he had no need to clean his gun. 😉 

While they were gone we took the kids to the park and everyone came back over to eat leftovers for lunch. 

(Our Oscar selfie)

And Saturday night was a big meal at Pops and Honey’s house with only their kids and grandkids. There were more gifts exchanged and good company. 

We were on the road at 6:30 this morning to get to the camp to celebrate with the “deer camp family.” 
It’s been a whirlwind but always worth it to see everyone close to Christmas! 


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