In Loving Memory

We lost my Aunt Peggy, my Papa’s sister on Saturday, January 26th. She had a stroke a week before and was in the hospital the whole time. She had a feeding tube at first but pulled it out so after that we knew it was only a matter of time. It doesn’t matter that she was elderly and sick, it’s always sad to lose someone you are close to. It’s hard to imagine Baton Rouge without so much of my extended family but when I was little (probably until middle school) Peggy was my only family that lived there. My Mom worked 50-60 hour weeks and my Dad worked shift work so she helped with me and Allison and we spent the night with her a lot. Within a few years after she moved to Alexandria I moved to Ruston so I would pick her up when I went down so she could visit too. She never married or had kids and didn’t even work much passed her 30s. Papa mostly took care of her but her younger life was so interesting. She was well traveled and lived in Europe awhile. She could tell you anything about our family history so our car rides were always full of conversation and you could learn a lot if you listened. She stayed close to most of them and always could tell you what was going on in everyone’s lives 

Even when she wasn’t coming with me I would always at least stop to see her. When the girls were still in preschool we’d even make day trips to go to the zoo with her or just to eat lunch and swim in her apartment pool. Once she moved to Baton Rouge they often said they missed her on our rides. This is the girls first experience with death so I pray for their understanding and comfort through the confusing grief process. I know she’s at peace. Her Mom, Dad, brother and sister all welcomed her and she’s feeling young again. We’ll miss you Peggy. Until I see you again... 


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