That’s A Wrap

Well that’s it... another hunting season in the books. It really does go faster and faster each year. I’m sure that’s because life has gotten so much busier but I know Matt agrees. It could never be long enough for him though! 

The girls and I had a good day. It started lazy with some movies together. But we did some Justice shopping

 (Lillian’s gift card has been burning a hole in her pocket since Christmas- she really wanted this backpack!) and getting some cupcakes individually packaged for Apollo’s bake sale tomorrow. 

Then we finished up the afternoon with walking the neighborhood to sell Girl Scout cookies

Lillian came too but she was over it after about 3 houses. They did great and got lots of orders but handled the rejections well too. 
The night was finished up with Matt grilling us the best ribeyes. I know he loves his weekends at the camp  but we’re ready to have him home! 


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