Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! I am so thankful for my little family and the two that make me a Mom. I am so lucky God chose me to be their Mama and that I have such a wonderful husband that supports me. 

Of course I always miss my Mom today but I guess I’m one of the odd people that dates don’t really affect my grief. I called my Mama and told her I loved her just about everyday so Mother’s Day is no different. 
know she’s having a great one in heaven. Plus, I’m still so fortunate to have other Mother’s in my life. My Nana, 

Honey and 


all mean the world to me too. They are all people that I can call with questions about kids or just to vent about the day. They may not be “my Mom” but I still feel that Mother’s love and I can tell you that’s something you need even at 37.  Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms today! 


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