Searching for Billy Bass

Yesterday while I was working, Matt and the girls worked on cleaning out the garage. Old Billy Bass has been hanging in there for 10+ years and Lilli recently noticed him. 

This was Matt’s very first bass he ever caught and he drug it home by his bicycle from Black Bayou in Vivian. Well, Lillian decided it needed a spot on her wall so up it went. This find got Matt thinking about fishing so today we went up to the new pond in Arkansas to spend the afternoon. Matt caught one fish but nothing else was biting. The girls didn’t mind though. They ran up and down the bank with a net and caught an ice chest full of minnows. I layed in my chair in my bathing suit and worked on getting some color before the beach! 

It was a nice afternoon but the nats about carried us off. I told Matt that out here in my bathing suit and flip flops was as close to Naked and Afraid (it’s a TV show) that I want to be! Haha, I don’t know how those people do it. But it was a nice family day and I’m so thankful for this amazing places to create these memories. 


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