Busy Week
And Friday was free dress for most of the school but first grade had 50s day to celebrate the 50th day of school.
There was hula hooping, a sock hop, lunch in the classroom diner, Coke floats... I think you can tell by Katie‘s face this was a lot of fun. I went to Lillian’s three years ago but I was not able to go this time. Only room moms are allowed and I did not get picked this year. There were three of us that signed up and the person in charge picked the new mom who is in her first year at Apollo because we always need new people getting involved. (And this is what makes Apollo great- so many people want to help some have to be turned down) I get it, but I hate I had to miss it. Luckily I had some good friends that sent pictures.
And then on top of Archery, Talented Theatre and Art, 4-H and Run and Fit- Lillian decided she wanted to run for Student Council. She’s running for reporter instead of one of the top jobs since she has so much else going on. I love that she likes to be so involved.
Posters are due Monday and I think the election is in a couple of weeks. We will see!
Katie and Matt had lots going on too. She lost another tooth and they’ve also been working on her Halloween costume. She’s always wanted to be something scary because she thinks it’s hilarious to scare people. I’ve always talked her out of it but this year she’s going to be a zombie!
It’ll be a lot of fun!
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