Fall Break

We came home from the game Sunday and went straight to Petsmart for the guinea pig. Well... once we got there and did some talking with the lady we realized how sociable these animals are so we got 2. 🤷‍♀️

They were the last two in the cage and we couldn’t leave one alone! The girls named them Max and Binx (Hocus Pocus characters since it’s October) and love them already. They are pretty cute! 

Wednesday we made a quick trip over to Dallas to watch Austin’s baseball game and bring him and Josey home with us. I asked Rachel and Chad if he could skip a couple days of school and come play for fall break and the girls were excited they said yes! 

We got there with just enough time to eat dinner and go to the game. It was bedtime by the time we were home and we were rolling out to head back to Bossier by 7:30 the next morning. A very quick trip but so glad we got to see him play and that we get 2 extra days! 

We went to the park with Cara and Josie, played with all the animals and watched Hocus Pocus. And tomorrow we get to play with Case and Lane too! This is a great way to spend a fall break. 


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