Do They Ever Do Schoolwork?

Apollo seems to always have something going on. I mentioned the classroom transformation that happened yesterday. Monday was the 1st 9 week “house party” (they divided kids in to houses like Harry Potter and can win points for grades and behavior) and party for kids who sold the most Disney raffle tickets. Lilli’s house won so she was at that and then got to stay for the 2nd party. One of the teachers sent me this picture of the girls about to race and said they were super competitive. 

Today was the 1st grade field trip to the Aquarium. We have never been to a field trip there before and it was very interesting. I learned a lot of new things and it was fun to watch the kids. I have a million things I could be working on but I’ve never missed a field trip and didn’t plan to start today. In the grand scheme of things it’s just a few short years that our kids are little and want me around for everything and my goal is to disappoint them as little as possible. (I definitely won’t say never because I know THAT is impossible 😉) 

And Lillian sent me a picture to tell me she was elected to Student Council as Reporter. She’s the “voice of student council” and will speak over the intercom often. She ran against 3 other people so she was super excited that she won. I hope her love of public speaking continues because it’s an amazing skill.
Congratulations Lilli Leigh! You do everything you set your mind to. Remember that! 😊😘


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