Great Weekend All Around

This was a great weekend for all of us. Matt went to the camp because it’s opening weekend of rifle season and the girls and I stayed home. Friday night they went to parents night out at the gymnastics place while I had a quiet night to myself. They were out until 10:30 so they actually slept in until after 7:00 Saturday which is late for us. ๐Ÿ˜Š  Katie had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese so Cara met us so Lillian could play with Josie while Katie was with her friends. 

While we were there I got calls that two offers had been accepted so to get two houses under contract before noon made it a great day for me. Between that and the fact that LSU pulled off a win against Alabama it was a great day! 

But the best part was that Lillian came to hang out and watch it with me while Katie and her friend played. Lillian and I hadn’t spent that much time just hanging out in a long time and it was a lot of fun. She’s really growing up. During half time she went out and practiced with her bow for a while. These pictures are from a few days ago but she’s really having fun with that.

And I think her aim is just going to improve when her new glasses come in. I took her back to the eye doctor on Thursday because she had been complaining of blurry vision and headaches. We just went on July 31 and got a new prescription but in three months her eyesight had changed from -.75 to -1.5 in the right and -1.5 to -2.25 in the left. And that’s with wearing glasses constantly. The doctor was asking if she was bad about wearing them but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them off of her with her awake. Poor thing must have inherited her daddy’s eyesight and I think it may even be a little worse.
Matt had a great weekend too! He had been watching a huge buck on his cameras since before hunting season and last night he got him!

He’s a happy man today! 


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