The Cousins Came Over

It had been about a week since we’d seen Austin, Josey and Rachel. They went to Plano last weekend and stayed until Tuesday and I honestly have no idea what we did the first part of the week. Not too much of anything I guess.  But Thursday they came over and cured our boredom. Rachel and I watched the first half of Hamilton and plan to finish it next week. And then she left to go get ready for their camping trip next week and the cousins stayed 2 nights. We tie-dyed shirts. 

They did a whole lot of swimming and a whole lot of playing. I didn’t get pics but when they weren’t in the pool Austin and Lilli were playing Roblox with Case on the iPads. And Katie and Josey played with LOL dolls for 2 days straight. It is enough to wear the little ones out!
We love when they come over and will probably be waiting for them at the camp when they get back. 😉 


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