Austin Had A Birthday

I called Rachel about a week ago and told her I was wanting to take the girls to the Caldwell Zoo and it looked like the next clear day to do it would be Austin’s birthday, and asked if they’d want to go. I knew they had school so I was very surprised when she said that they would skip and meet us there! He had no idea that were going and was very surprised when we were there with Yaya with gifts from us and Josh and Hailey. 

It ended up being a perfect day. it was cool but not too cold and sunny so all of the animals that were out were active. The white tiger, bears, zebras, mountains lions, bobcat, giraffe, and even the snakes were all moving around 

and we even go to hear the lion roar (my first time to hear live and I was excited!) and watch the elephants playing while we ate our picnic lunch.

But the best part of the day was being together. We missed Case and Lane though! 

We went a couple of times altogether when the kids were little but it had been awhile. 

I think they were 4 and 2 in the first and they are 11 and 9 now. How does time pass so quickly??!! 


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