Ok, 2021

ALL last year everyone was talking about how bad 2020 was, but I hope 2021 isn’t trying to compete. I have seen a meme that says “I’m getting tired of living through historical events,” and this is very true. We’ve owned this house less than 10 months and so far it’s seen a “record” hail storm, a category 1 hurricane and not one, but TWO snowstorms. With another coming Wednesday/Thursday. The first one was fun! But this one not so much. We’ve been out a handful of times 

but only for minutes at a time because it’s about 18°. The next storm is going to bring more ice than snow and it won’t get above freezing until Friday or Saturday. With the lowest temps in 91 years tonight. So that means roads are a mess and the ice and snow aren’t going anywhere for a few days so there is a real risk of having issues from it. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful and we’ve been able to stay in so nothing to complain about right now. Just hoping it stays that way!! 

It was a good Valentine’s yesterday too. Very lazy because of the cold. We watched movies and napped and Matt braved the cold to grill bacon wrapped teal stuffed with jalapeño and cream cheese. Now that’s love!


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