Easter Weekend in Baton Rouge

We had a wonderful weekend full of family and love in Baton Rouge. The world is slowly starting to work its way back to normal and we were all so excited that meant we could gather again. We left around lunch time on Friday and our first stop was Nana’s apartment. It had been 6 months since I had seen her and only the 2nd time in a year. It’s so nice that she can have people inside of her apartment now and she’s allowed to come and go so we got lots of time to love  on her. 

That evening we had a low key evening at Jen and Ryan’s with only them, us and Dad and Janet. We ordered takeout, decorated cookies and hung out awhile and our girls spent the night there while Matt and I went to Dad’s. The next morning they all came to us and Dad cooked breakfast. We had all of his immediate family except for Daniel and I can’t remember the last that happened. 

We went by Nana’s after for another visit before going to Jen’s for the afternoon. Allie had Lilli and Anna dye her hair which I was very scared would be a disaster but it turned out cute! 

And then around 3:00 the rest of the family started getting there for our Easter/Allie’s birthday party. Jimmy and Theresa brought a catered dinner and had stuff to dye eggs and do an egg hunt for the kids. It had been years since some of us had seen each other so it’s really amazing we were able to get 25 people together after the year we’ve had. Most of us have been vaccinated but we still stuck with outside for safety and because it was perfect weather!

Piper spent the night with us at Dad’s and the Easter bunny found her there too! We had baskets, an egg hunt and breakfast 

All very early so that we could make it to 8:30 church. Again, it was outside and 18 family members were there. Even Daniel and Allie got up on time on their own! 😉  It was our first time for an in-person service since Covid and it was emotional at times for me. 

They even managed to come up with a way to have Covid friendly communion. I’m so thankful we serve a risen Savior! Happy Easter! 


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